Tuesday, March 31, 2009

DVR "disaster": "Galactica" "Final 5" not recorded :(

Say WHAT?! What do mean, "Battlestar Galactica Finale Impressions"?!

Dummy me, I kept checking my DVR for recordings, instead of checking the "Battlestar Galactica" page on SciFi.com for the telecast schedule. For reasons unknown, our DVR didn't record the final five episodes. Now, I may have to pay for the final-season DVD, when it's released, just to see the last five eps. Bummer. :( I'll try not to read Mark/PT's spoilers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ought to be able to watch them on Hulu.com or scifi.com for free.

Tue Mar 31, 09:44:00 PM 2009  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

You beat my son to it--he said the same thing when I IM'd him. So this olde lady, who just heard about hulu maybe 2 weeks ago, is going to have to go check it out.

Wed Apr 01, 08:46:00 AM 2009  
Blogger PsychoToddler said...

I was going to say the same thing.

(word verification: aintsky)

Wed Apr 01, 04:20:00 PM 2009  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

I can't run Hulu without installing Flash Player, and I can't get Flash Player to install. It keeps telling me to close Firebox, but then says that Firefox is still running, even after a reboot. Bummer. Suggestions, anyone?

Thu Apr 02, 06:46:00 AM 2009  

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